"HYDRATION" refers to assimilating adequate "quality" water, water that mimics water found in nature-- clean water full of "stable" oxygen, alkalinity, high in negative ions, smaller water molecules, and has an adequate negative ORP. Estimates are that 70% of us are "Dehydrated"; chronic dehydration and over acidity are largely responsible for the degeneration of our body including the organs and brain that have a high water content. In order to properly function and eliminate toxins these specific parts and our entire body MUST be adequately hydrated. For example, some experts believe that Dementia and Alzheimers are examples of a dehydrated brain that simply requires quality water to function properly! Higher 'stable' oxygen water creates more energy in our body (as athletes are aware). The smaller the water molecules the easier they will absorb and hydrate; for instance Tap water has 10-13 water molecules and the Ionized water 5-6. You can drink large quantities of some water and never feel satiated/hydrated, but the smaller water molecules hydrate much more effectively. This is also referred to as "wetter" water; smaller and more absorbable molecules (some call it "magnetized, restructured, micro-clustered, and state their units are not even water "filtration systems"?
-ORP is the "oxidation reduction potential", the ability for the body to eliminate oxidates which build up and create acidity and age us. The negative ORP, and the higher number is better, is what is beneficial to our body to REDUCE aging; a.k.a. "anti-oxidant", the ability to neutralize free radicals largely responsible for the aging process. A 10 is the highest pH you should drink,
"ALKALIZE" or "ALKALINITY" is about keeping a healthy human pH at approximately 7.365, a 7 is considered neutral, below a 7 acidic and above a 7 "alkaline".
The bottom line is: Acidity ATTRACTS and CREATES symptoms starting as pain, arthritis, lumbago, osteoporosis, high or low blood pressure, obesity, low energy, depression, which can easily build up and create more acidity and DEGENERATIVE DISEASES such as chronic arthritis, diabetes and cancer.
"Alkalinity" deters and detoxifies acidic wastes/toxins out of the body that were the "cause" of creating the symptom/problem itself. Degenerative diseases like cancer and diabetes do not thrive in a high alkaline/high oxygen environment (Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931 demonstrated how oxygen destroys cancer cells--he won the 1931 Nobel Prize for this discovery).
ACIDITY creates DISEASE… ALKALINITY creates HEALTH. Alkaline neutralizes acid.
"DETOXIFY" is about getting rid of the wastes/toxins that accumulate in the body; they build up the acidity/lower the pH to well under a 7 and create symptoms and degenerative diseases in addition to being a major factor in the aging process. Our body is designed to effectively eliminate waste deposits building up in our organs, etcetera on a daily basis. The problem lies in an overload of toxins, dehydration, and acidity created by: poor diet (soft drinks, caffeine, sugar, processed and fast foods, high sodium, meat, white flour, sugar, artificial sweeteners, tap, distilled, or reverse osmosis water sources, pasteurized dairy products, denatured foods, lack of raw enzymes...) and Lifestyle choices (lack of exercise, drugs-highly acidic, obesity, high stress, anger, fear, worry...).
Bacteria, fungi, and parasites thrive in an acidic environment and they expel more acid waste (mycotoxins) into our bloodstream. A "Healthy" pH is ESSENTIAL to our human system for ongoing and balanced health and wellness. We have both acid and alkaline existing in our body. A proper alkaline pH deters bacteria, inflammation and disease. The pH balance is so important that when no more calcium is available our body leeches it from our bones (explaining why arthritis/pain/osteoporosis is so common). Most people are not only dehydrated but also "acidic" with a pH below a 7 inviting symptoms and further deterioration of our body on a daily basis . The key to a healthy human system is raising your pH.
ALKALINE WATER is good for: drinking, cooking, plants, soaking meat, washing fruits and veggies
ACIDIC WATER is good for: washing the face, hair, brushing the teeth, gargling, healing cuts/bruises, burns, poison ivy, athletes foot, plants... (NOT for drinking).
Which water should we choose?
Contaminated with added Sodium Fluoride--related to nitrogen fertilizer, a poison and insecticide, degenerates bones, pits teeth... chlorine bleach--found to lead to many cancers, dries the hair and skin, not a "healthy" bacteria killer...contains pesticides, drug runoff, asbestos, heavy metals...acidic or with a neutral pH?...not hydrating--large water molecules...
Acidic with a pH of between 5.5 and 6.5, poor hydration through large water molecules, leeches minerals out of our body, "dead" water... Reverse Osmosis and other purification processes take away EVERYTHING from the water, including the good stuff like essential trace minerals that our bodies absolutely need to survive! When you remove the minerals from the water, it tends to fill that emptied space (replacing the minerals) by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air that makes the water acidic! About 4.0 on the PH scale, number 7.0 being neutral. Distilled and purified water is dead acidic water!
YES, with pH of 7.5 to 10, Alkalize now or die… .
How much water should we drink?
About 1/2 of our body weight in ounces daily, a 125 pound person should drink a gallon+ of quality water daily (clean alkaline water, not coffee, tea, soda ).
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