Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Barley and Hallelujah Diet

The hallelujah diet is an organic raw food, vegetarian diet, and weight loss diet for immune system health and natural healing. It restores the immune system.       

The Hallelujah Diet by Rev. George Malkmus         

People often ask me, "What do you eat?" Here is my answer:          


One tablespoon of Barley powder either dry and let it dissolve in my mouth, or in a couple of ounces of distilled water at room temperature. That is usually all I have until noon! If I do get hungry, then I may eat a piece of fresh juicy fruit later in the morning. Cooked food is an absolute no-no as my body is in a cleansing mode until about noon each day. The Barley caplets can be dissolved in the mouth like a lozenge, however. I enjoy them in this form, especially while traveling.          


One tablespoon of Barley powder, as at breakfast and sometimes I stir my Barley into 8 ounces of freshly extracted carrot juice, which I find especially delicious and extremely nutritious. At least a half hour after the Barley, I prefer an all-raw fruit lunch: a banana, apple, dates, etc. Organic is always best when available.(Sometimes I have a vegetable salad for lunch instead of the fruit.) It is important that this be an all raw meal!          


One tablespoon of Barley powder either dry or in a couple ounces of distilled water or in carrot juice. Carrot juice must be freshly extracted, never canned, bottled or frozen. Then, at least 30 minutes after the Barley, I eat a large green vegetable salad of leaf lettuce (never head lettuce), broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots, etc. I enjoy adding half an avocado in most of my vegetable salads. This is usually followed by some cooked food (baked potato, baked sweet potato, brown rice, steamed vegetables, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, and so on). Later in the evening I often have a glass of organic apple juice or a piece of juicy fruit. (My diet consists of approximately 85 percent raw food, and 15 percent cooked food.)    

Exercise is also an essential part of my program. I do at least one hour of vigorous exercise daily. Additionally, I try to get some sunshine on as much of my body as possible every day.   

To be sure I get the essential fatty acids needed by my body, I also have one tablespoon of Udo's Choice Perfected Blend Oil. I either have this on my evening salad or straight out of the bottle.  

*The reason I supplement my diet with young Barley grass is that our food today is being grown for the most part on very deficient soils that often lack all the nutrients my body needs for building new, strong, healthy, vital, vibrant cells. Barley is grown organically and contains the widest spectrum of nutrients available today from a single source that I am aware of. It is also loaded with enzymes. I consider it the single most important food I put in my body each day and always consume at least 3 tablespoons of it a day.  

**The second-most important thing I put into my body each day is freshly extracted carrot juice made from large California juicing carrots in a Green Power Juicer. I try to drink at least 16 to 24 ounces each day. When I had my colon cancer 20 years ago, I consumed 32 to 64 ounces of carrot juice each day. If I had a serious physical problem today I would consume up to eight 8-ounce glasses of carrot juice each day in addition to my three to four tablespoons of Barley. The reason young Barley grass and carrot juice is so important to me is:   

1. Cooked food has practically no nutritional value. 

2. A large percentage of the nutrients in raw food are lost in the digestion process, with only 1 to 35 % of nutrients reaching cell level, depending on the health of the digestive system. 

3. When vegetable juices or Barley is consumed, up to 92% of the nutrients reach cell level. This is because the pulp has been removed and thus no digestion is necessary. Raw vegetable juices are the fastest way to nourish the cells and rebuild the immune system and essential body organs.

In 1962, Dr. Frank Logsdon, former pastor of the famous Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, was a dinner guest in my home. Over the dinner table, he told a fascinating story of how he had had cancer and -- rather than going the medical route -- had gone to the Page Institute in Tampa, Florida. At this institute, he was told to remove five white foods from his diet, and to switch to a raw vegetarian / fruitarian diet. He had done this and his cancer disappeared! Dr. Logsdon was about 60 years old at the time he was in my home. Several years ago, I learned he was still preaching . . . which would put his age close to 90 now!


Interestingly, the five white foods he was told had caused his cancer are the same foods my research has shown to be causing most of our physical problems.
What are the five white foods causing our physical problems? I will list them, starting with the most dangerous substance we put into our body . . . MEAT!       

MEAT contains white fat! The average American meat eater puts over 50 pounds of fat (cholesterol) into their body per year! This fat clogs the arteries, ultimately causing the heart attacks and strokes that will kill approximately 50 percent of our population. Meat is also the culprit in causing colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and other forms of cancer. Cancer is responsible for 33 percent of American deaths. And meat is the primary cause of adult-onset diabetes, which kills 9 percent of our population. Meat also causes gout and arthritis and a host of other physical problems. We are told that we need meat for protein and strength, but we are not told that the cooking of meat changes the molecular structure of the protein and renders the protein in meat unusable by the body. If we look to nature, we will find that there is not a single animal in the wild that cooks the flesh it eats! Seventeen years of research has revealed meat as it is produced today to be the single most dangerous food that we put into our body. I have not eaten any meat in 17 years.  

DAIRY is the second most dangerous substance we can put into our bodies for many of the same reasons. We are told milk is the perfect food, and needed for calcium. But we are not told that the pasteurizing of milk (heating it to temperatures of 160 degrees or higher) changes the calcium to an inorganic form, which cannot be assimilated by the body.  In nature, no animal pasteurizes its milk... and no animal drinks the milk of another species, nor does it ever drink milk after the age of weaning. The only source of bad cholesterol (LDL) is animal products! ANIMAL PRODUCTS ARE NOT GOOD FOOD!  

SALT is another white substance that creates untold physical problems and suffering. The body needs sodium, but it must be in an organic form in order to be usable by the body. Table salt, sodium chloride, is an inorganic sodium compound formed by the union of sodium and chlorine that is extremely toxic to the body, causing it to retain fluid in an effort to keep this protoplasmic poison in suspension and out of the cells. 

SUGAR is the fourth white substance creating our physical problems. Sugar is so changed and concentrated from its original plant form... that it is actually a drug! Just 10 teaspoons (approximately the amount found in one soft drink) will immobilize the immune system by about 33 percent. Approximately 30 teaspoons of sugar will shut down the immune system for a whole day.  

WHITE FLOUR has had all the good substances (bran and germ) removed during processing. Then it is bleached, sometimes with a bleaching agent similar to Clorox. Finally, they add some coal-tar-derived (carcinogenic) vitamins and it is sold to the unsuspecting public as "enriched." WHITE FLOUR IS NOT GOOD FOOD... IN FACT IT IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH!

Young Barley Grass - Frequently Asked Questions... .

How is barley juice powder processed?

Barley grass is organically grown without using any chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. The plants are harvested when the leaves contain the widest spectrum of nutrients, and low temperature processing is used to convert the barley grass into concentrate juice powder.

Is there anyone who should not use barley grass?

Barley grass is a natural whole food concentrate and is safe for consumption for most people. People with severe medical problems or complications should consult a health practitioner before taking it.

Can I take barley grass while taking medication?

As long as your health practitioner has not forbidden you to eat salads or green vegetables, you can consume barley grass.

How to consume barley grass?

It is advisable to consume 1 teaspoon (3g) twice a day 30 minutes before a meal as barley grass works best on an empty stomach. For those who are ill it is advisable to increase the amount to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day and for people with quite severe illness this can be increased the serving size depending on your needs and state of health. Take either cold or room temperature water and consume it immediately or it will lose its nutrients due to oxidization.

Why do we need to use room temperature or cool water?

Because the barley grass has ‘live’ enzymes and other nutrients that will be destroyed by using hot, warm or iced water.

Why should we consume barley grass on an empty stomach?

To enable the nutrients can be assimilated easily without the presence of other foods.

Who is barley grass good for?

Everyone can benefit from the nutrition of barley grass. It is an excellent food for people of all ages from young children to the elderly. Pregnant women who eat barley grass provide their unborn child with excellent nutrition.

If I take barley grass, should I also take other supplements?

There is no need for you to take other supplement because barley grass provides the wide range of essential nutrients and is so finely balanced.

I started taking barley grass and I feel worse. Why?

When you begin taking barley grass, your body often goes through a cleansing known as detoxification. This can manifest itself in fatigue, rashes, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia or constipation depending on the state of your health or your diet. It is your body flushing out toxins and will soon pass.


Is Pure Barley NZ Recommended for the Hallelujah Diet?

Absolutely! Pure Barley NZ users will see even better results. Simply use the same amount of Pure Barley NZ and you will soon feel the difference! We feel it is that much better. We are excited to hear the many good reports that will be coming in. Pure Barley NZ is not irradiated to control bacteria and you can be confident in the HerbCare management integrity. Pure Barley NZ is tremendous!!

How does the vitamin A content in Pure Barley NZ compare to competing products?

Our most recent analysis indicates that the vitamin A content in Pure Barley NZ is nearly four times higher when tested with the same method.

What happened to the antioxidant 2-O-GIV?

Early research on green barley grass juice indicated that it contains the antioxidant identified as 2"-O-GIV. More recent research indicates that while green barley grass juice (including Pure Barley NZ) does contain 2"-O-GIV, it is present in exceedingly low levels. At the same time, two powerful antioxidants were found to be present in green barley grass juice. They are saponarin and lutonarin. Saponarin is in the "GIV" family. Lutonarin is in the "GIO" family and is the superior antioxidant. We have found both saponarin and lutonarin in BarleyLife 2"-O-GIV is present in small amounts.

HerbCare has stood behind Pure Barley NZ for years with positive results and tens of thousands of satisfied users. How many user reports do you have on Pure Barley NZ?

100 percent of the people who took Pure Barley NZ in a test market rated it above average to excellent. Because the quality of Pure Barley NZ is so much higher than in other green barley juice powders, those who take it are noticing positive benefits much more quickly and are sharing their results with us. As more folks learn about the increased benefits of Pure Barley NZ and use this product the number of user reports will dramatically increase.

Where does the product come from?

Sante’ Members and customers will get the Pure Barley NZ produced in New Zealand thru HerbCare.

When Pure Barley NZ is mixed with water and I drink it (no more than two minutes later), there are precipitates in the bottom of glass. Why?

We have chosen to introduce 5% or less of the plant fiber back into the juice. This aids in our ability to produce a larger granule without adding more maltodextrin. The difference in the total fiber is negligible (3.7% in Pure Barley NZ ) but the reduction in maltodextrin is significant. Also, the use of a whole kelp powder rather than a kelp ash will add to the amount of sediment if the juice is allowed to settle for some time.

Why does Pure Barley NZ contain maltodextrin?

In Pure Barley NZ, maltodextrin plays two very important roles, which are actually related to one another. First, maltodextrin acts as an exceptionally efficient carrier for the natural nutrients found in spray-dried barley juice powder. Second, maltodextrin naturally adheres to the nutrient molecules in the barley juice powder, providing a natural coating and protection against the nutrients reacting with one another and greatly reducing the damaging effects of oxidation. This protection stabilizes the nutrients in a totally natural manner and allows Pure Barley NZ to have a two-year or longer shelf life. Once you mix the powder in a liquid, this protective shield is lifted. In addition, the reduction in maltodextrin in Pure Barley NZ is significant. HerbCare will continue to examine the viability of reducing the amount of maltodextrin even further but it will only be done when it is determined that overall quality is not reduced. This is important as higher quality provides us with greater results.

Can people who are on blood thinners take Pure Barley NZ?

Many people using blood-thinning medication, such as Coumadin ®, are told by their doctors to avoid consuming certain green, leafy vegetables because of the vitamin K content. We are not aware of any adverse effects resulting from the continued use of green barley grass juice powders. If you have a serious medical condition, we suggest that you consult your health practitioner before taking a green barley grass juice supplement.
Warfarin blocks the reduction of vitamin K oxide into vitamin K in efforts to reduce the body's natural clotting response. We did not test for vitamin K in Pure Barley NZ; however, 1 serving of Pure Barley NZ contains about 24 mcg. Therefore, 1 serving of Pure Barley NZ contains less than the recommended daily intake for vitamin K, which is:

Males, 19 years and older: 120 mcg; Females, 19 years and older: 90 mcg

Data suggests that one should avoid fluctuations of 250 mcg above or below normal intakes of vitamin K while your physician determines the proper dosage of warfarin.

Can diabetics take Pure Barley NZ?

Pure Barley NZ is a whole food supplement, very similar to juiced green vegetables. There are no known adverse effects associated with Pure Barley NZ and blood sugar levels. If you consume green vegetables and complex carbohydrates such as pasta (maltodextrin is a complex carbohydrate) with no adverse effects, then you should be able to take Pure Barley NZ. If you have concerns, we encourage you to consult your health practitioner. There have been numerous reports from hypoglycemics and diabetics who have experienced favorable results shortly after starting to take a green barley grass juice supplement.

Can Pure Barley NZ be mixed in a hot beverage?

Because heat and acidity can affect enzymatic activity, it is recommended that Pure Barley NZ not be taken in any of the following: cranberry or prune juice, carbonated drinks, or hot drinks.

What about detoxification?

Many symptoms can be related to detoxification. If so, they will slowly disappear. To speed up the detoxification process, drink plenty of purified water. If some cases it may be wise to reduce the amount of Pure Barley NZ taken while the body gets use to it and toxins are dealt with.

Can folks with kidney disorders or renal failure take Pure Barley NZ?

People with kidney disorders, kidney disease, or renal failure may want to consult their health practitioner about consuming potassium-dense foods like Pure Barley NZ. According to nutritional analysis, there are 214 mg of potassium in one tablespoon (5-gram serving) of Pure Barley NZ. Some people with kidney disease have to be careful about their potassium consumption because their kidneys may not be able to efficiently process high amounts of potassium, which may compound their problem. This implication is rare but should be discussed with your health practitioner if the condition exists.

What about iodine sensitivity?

People who are sensitive to iodine may want to consult their health practitioner before taking Pure Barley NZ. The kelp content in an 8.81 oz (250 g) bottle of Pure Barley NZ is minimal (up to 3 percent), and it is rare that such a small amount of kelp could effect anyone adversely. However, iodine is a fluctuating mineral found in soil, which can influence the level of iodine in the barley grass and the finished powder product.

Can folks with grass allergies take Pure Barley NZ?

On rare occasions, people with grass allergies may experience a reaction to Pure Barley NZ. If you are concerned about having a reaction or if you have had a reaction in the past, you may wish to consult your health practitioner before using Pure Barley NZ.


Pure Barley NZ makes me feel so energetic. Does it contain any caffeine?

No, Pure Barley NZ is made from barley juice extract and contains no caffeine. Numerous customers have given us testimonies of increased energy. Pure Barley NZ is very nutritious and provides your body with raw materials that can be converted into energy naturally - unlike caffeine which simply gives one a temporary energy lift.

Can I use Pure Barley NZ as a meal replacement?

Even though Pure Barley NZ is abundant in nutrients, it is not intended to be a meal replacement. It should be considered a supplement and as part of the overall diet.

Can I overdose on Pure Barley NZ?

No, Pure Barley NZ is a whole food derived from freshly squeezed barley grass. You can’t overdose on Pure Barley NZ. It is equivalent to eating more fresh green vegetables.

Is Pure Barley NZ good for losing weight?

Yes. Pure Barley NZ has only 20 calories per serving and has an abundance of nutrients. If you are in a weight loss program, your body will benefit by taking Pure Barley NZ. It provides vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and proteins, minus fat and with practically no calories.

Is there a difference between Pure Barley NZ capsules and Pure Barley NZ juice powder?

Both are identical except that because the powder form is instantly soluble, it will be assimilated more rapidly than the capsules and some digestion of the soluble powder may occur in the mouth and esophagus as well.

How long does Pure Barley NZ retain its value?

Pure Barley NZ, like all our products, has a shelf life of 3 years.

Why is Pure Barley NZ so green?

The "green" is from chlorophyll. Barley grass has one of the highest, natural, rich chlorophyll contents of all the green vegetables. In fact, Barley Grass has 66 times more chlorophyll than spinach.

How many calories in Pure Barley NZ?

Pure Barley NZ has 20 calories per serving.

Can I use Pure Barley NZ as a prenatal supplement?

Yes, Pure Barley NZ provides such a rich balance of all the nutrients that it is equivalent to a whole salad of dark green vegetables. Forty-five percent of its weight is in polypeptide (lightweight) proteins. It is excellent for you and your unborn baby.

Will Pure Barley NZ upset my stomach?

No, Pure Barley NZ is mildly alkaline, which pH balances the acidic stomach juices. This can aid in settling the stomach.

What does the chlorophyll do?

The chlorophyll in Pure Barley NZ is a natural detoxifier and rids the intestines of stored toxins. Because it is a natural detoxifier, it also aids in reducing bad breath.

Is there a difference in the chlorophyll you buy as a supplement versus chlorophyll you obtain from natural sources like Pure Barley NZ?

Yes. It is impossible to isolate naturally occurring chlorophyll. Therefore, those supplements containing chlorophyll are not in the same form as one finds in live plants. Pure Barley NZ is an excellent way to obtain chlorophyll in its natural state.

Can I use Pure Barley NZ for fasting?

Yes, Pure Barley NZ is the perfect "food" for fasting. The protein content and complex carbohydrates provide stamina and energy for the body’s systems.

Can I make up a large amount of Pure Barley NZ and keep it in the refrigerator?

No, live nutrients are released when Pure Barley NZ is mixed with the proper liquids and should be taken no more than 20 minutes or so after preparation. When live nutrients are no longer protected either by fiber or by maltodextrin, they will begin to oxidize and "die." Pure Barley NZ should be taken immediately after preparation in order to receive the maximum amount of nutritional benefit.

Will taking Pure Barley NZ after or with meals hinder its effectiveness?

You can drink Pure Barley NZ anytime, but we suggest you take it alone so that your body can assimilate the full benefits of its properties quickly and easily without other foods being present to slow this process.

Will Pure Barley NZ cause diarrhea or constipation?

Pure Barley NZ will help rebuild healthy intestinal flora and therefore may have a positive effect on regularity and gas. Pure Barley NZ has traditionally been used to promote regularity and does not cause constipation.

Does Pure Barley NZ contain digestive enzymes?

Yes, Pure Barley NZ contains many enzymes including digestive enzymes such as amylase.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Growing Organic Barley Grass for Drinking

If you have time and the patience of growing your own barley grass, these clips can help you do-it-yourself barley grass juice, happy viewing!

Growing Barley

Barley Growing

Barley Bread Grain Recipe


4-1/2 teaspoons dry yeast
2 cups warm water
2 tablespoons honey
2 cups barley flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups unbleached white flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons salt


Dissolve yeast in warm water and place in large mixing bowl. Stir in honey and leave until yeast becomes foamy.

Combine the three flours and add half to the yeast. Beat with a wooden spoon for 10 minutes. The consistency should be of thick mud. Cover and set aside to rise for 1 hour, until the dough has doubled. Punch dough down and carefully fold in olive oil, salt and add 1/2 cup remaining flour. Gradually fold in more flour till dough starts to come away from the sides of the bowl.

Place dough on a lightly floured surface and knead well for 10 minutes. Add more flour as necessary. Place dough in a lightly oiled mixing bowl. Cover and leave to double.

Punch dough down again and shape into 2 domed round loaves. Cut a cross in the center. Place on an oiled baking sheet, cover and let rise till doubled, 45 to 60 minutes.

Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes.

Recipe Ideas for Pure Barley NZ

A friend of mine who owns a fresh fruit juice and shakes business recommend this to me and I think it's worth trying, and some of the mixes we already tasted in his shoppe.

All recipes are mixed in a Food Blender with preferably organic produce and no preservatives. Each recipe makes approx. 1 Large Glass.

1 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass                                        
1 Tall glass of Fruit Juice (Apple, Orange, Pineapple, Apricot or Berries (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry)

1 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
1 Tall glass of Fruit Juice (Apple, Orange, Pineapple, Apricot, Mango, Paw Paw or berries (Blueberry, Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry)
1 tablespoon of Coconut Milk (Trident canned or equivalent)

1 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
2 x peeled Kiwi fruit
1 tablespoon of Coconut Milk (Trident canned or equivalent)
A tall glass of pure filtered or distilled water

1 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
1 x peeled banana
1 tablespoon of Coconut Milk (Trident canned or equivalent) A tall glass of pure filtered or distilled water

Weight Management & Protein requirements: Add 1 serving of Protein Powder to help with excessive appetite urges and to help normalize sugar levels. (Optional-substitute Fruit Juice with water).

Weight Gain: Add 1 serving of high calorie Protein/Carbohydrate Powder and substitute Fruit Juice with full cream Milk, for added calories.

1 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
1 dollop of Acidophilus Yoghurt
½ cup of Ice ( pulse to crush)
1 cup of Soymilk, Fruit Juice or organic Milk
1 fruit portion such as Banana, berries or mango
1 sprig of fresh chopped Mint leaves.

Blend together and enjoy the cool soothing flavors of Cool greens.

1 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
1 Cup of Apple & Blackcurrant Juice
½ cup of berries (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry blackberry)
(Optional - Banana and/or Ice to thicken)

Blend together and garnish with a dollop of Acidophilus Yoghurt, Cinnamon or whole Berries.

1 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
½ cup of Ice (pulse to crush)
1 cup of vegetable Juice (Carrot, Tomato, Broccoli etc)
(Optional 2 tsp of almonds or shelled Sunflower for extra texture)

Blend together and season with sea Salt and Pepper if needed.
For extra flavour add herbs and spices (Parsley, Dill, Chilli, Tabasco, Cayenne, and Horseradish to suit your taste)

1 Tablespoon of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
1 tbsp of Flax fibre
1 tsp of Flax seed oil
40 mls (1.3 fl ozs) of Aloe Vera Juice
1 dollop of Acidophilus Yoghurt
1 Fruit portion such as Banana or Berries
2 cups of Soymilk or Fruit Juice

Blend together for delicious, fully nutritious smoothie
(Optional - Strain froth off)
Serves 2

1/2 Teaspoon (tsp) of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
3 tbsp. of Flax Seed Oil
1 tbsp of Lemon Juice
1 minced clove of Garlic
(Optional sea salt and pepper to taste.)

Blend or shake to mix. Toss easy greens dressing into lettuce greens and favourite salad ingredients. For extra heat, drizzle red chilli oil over drizzled green easy greens dressing for taste and colour.

250g Tofu
½ cup of soymilk
1tbsp of tahini
1 tbsp of Pesto
1 minced clove of Garlic
1/4 Tbsp of Cayenne Sea salt and pepper to season.

Blend together and heat until hot - adding 1 teaspoon of Pure Barley NZ Barley grass wheat to sauce after heating (sauce) just prior to serving to retain barley grass/wheat grass qualities. Add sauce to favorite pasta dish.

1 tbsp of Tahini
1 minced clove of Garlic
½ Tbsp of Cayenne
1 Teaspoon of
Pure Barley NZ barley grass
1 Tub of Hummus Dip Blend together until consistency is smooth and serve with rice crackers or pita bread and tomatoes slices.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Barley to Bring out the Beauty within

Barley leaves has been proved to be an effective skin purifier. One can make a whole body scrub by bringing to a bubble around quarter liter of pearl barley that is rich in essential nutrients, in half liter of water. This needs to be done for a period of half an hour, and then straining the above mix. The water that is filtered from straining is an innate detoxifier which can be combined with other fruit extract like orange, papaya, and pomegranate or squeezed lemon to get optimum purging of toxins from the system. The boiled barley mix left after straining can be left to reach room temperature. This cooked barley can be mixed with mashed banana, honey, pureed tomato or carrot to make an effective overall body scrub. The scrub can be rubbed on the skin for 15-20 minutes to get optimal exfoliation.

Many face dry, dull and loose skin due to various factors like improper diet, various diseases like diabetes, thyroid irregularities, medications, harsh conditions. For getting taut, moistened radiant skin, try the following natural mix available right out from your kitchen cabinet. Put through a sieve wheat flour or barley and to the sifted mix add less than half teaspoon of grinded turmeric, a tablespoon of grinded mustard or mustard oil or sesame oil and mix the ingredients to make a slurry consistency. This blend can be rubbed all over the face and body and left to dry for 15-20 minutes. The blend can be scrubbed off the body with tepid water to reveal visible gleam.

Barley was used as an effective skin whitener during the Roman era where a mix of egg, honey, lavender oil, olive oil, bean flour, barley and mashed narcissi guaranteed gleaming skin. Crushed oats and barley was mixed with vinegar and brought to a boil. On cooling the mix, when applied on the skin is effective against blemishes and eruptions.

A blend of milk, crushed sesame seeds and barley was a beauty remedy followed religiously in the Egyptian era. Crushed young barley leaves when had with milk or fruit extracts like apple, orange, pineapple makes a potent drink rich in diverse range of nutrients, chlorophyll, innate vitamins and proteins which is great for overall well-being.

Make a mashed pulp of about two tomatoes, a tablespoon each of barley powder and yogurt, mix this together and spread all over face and leave for half an hour to reveal taut, clear and bright skin. An effective grandma’s recipe to treat acne is, bring to a boil barley seeds in water, adding lemon rind after half an hour. Let it simmer for an hour. The strained off water is a great way to avert skin eruptions. Barley and onion water are also known to cure pimples.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Washing Ball, Order Now!

My laundry attendant happens to have a week long vacation to her home town in Samar, and to save from paying so much to the laundry shop, I personally do the laundry, whew! Imagine the soiled linens and towels from my Spa, I washed it for 4-5hours, separating the whites and the colored ones, tsk! After my 3rd day of doing the same I observed my hands and feet got chemical irritation from the detergents i used, I am using washing machine but do not wear this gloves and boots.  A friend show me this one in his store, a washing ball, that I won't be using soap anymore for washing my linens and towels, a great way to save from buying high cost of detergents, evading from those harsh chemicals that affects my hands and foot. And he claimed that this will also helps the environment as the waste is of alkaline, good even for watering the plants. I was intrigued and very interested, tried the washing ball, amazingly I finished the laundry in less than 2hours, no soap or detergents yet the stains and smell gone! I conserve water from rinsing, means less water bill, i am happy and satisfied from this washing ball, you should also try it!  See below demo, I happen to use it before i see this clip in the net.

For inquiries and order, Call or Text, 09086449898 / 09225933577.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Grains of the Quran Prophets (s.a.w.) ... Barley.

There is a famous Hadith reported by Abu Hurairah that, "Allah never inflicts a disease unless he makes a cure for it..." (Sahih Bukhari).

While some of us may assume that this cure is always in the form of a medicine or herbs, the Hadith does not state that. In fact, two of the greatest cures Allah has given us for heart disease are foods that the Prophet (SAW) ate: whole wheat and barley.

Both provide multiple benefits in the fight against heart disease as they both lower cholesterol, increase proper elimination of wastes by the body, facilitate proper blood clotting, and improve general circulation and cellular health.

When Sahl bin Sad was asked, "Did Allah's Apostle ever eat white flour?" he replied, "Allah's Apostle never saw white flour [from the time] Allah sent him as an Apostle till He took him unto Him."

Modern science has long been against processed breads, even when they are supposedly "enriched." E. Cheraskin, in his book Diet and Disease, compares enriching white flour with "robbing someone in a dark alley of their clothes and wallet, and then giving them back their underclothes and bus money to get home." In addition to the fact that white flour has no nutritional value, it can leech vitamins and minerals from the body as well. This is because nutrient-void foods do not supply all of the nutrients that are needed for their digestion; hence, they must take the nutrients that are lacking from the body. White flour can even mimic white sugar, creating problems for the hypoglycemic or diabetic person (Pritchard, Healing with Whole Foods).

According to nutritionists Jean Anderson and Barbara Deskin, whole-wheat flour, high in protein and fiber, is far superior in nutrition to white flour. Whole grain wheat contains a large amount of Vitamin E, mostly concentrated in its germ layer. Research on the Vitamin E found in wheat discovered that of 31,000 people studied, those who ate whole wheat bread had a much lower risk of heart disease than those who ate white bread. Michael H. Davidson, MD, president of the Chicago Center for Clinical Research, says that this is because the Vitamin E in wheat causes the liver to produce less cholesterol. He found that subjects in his study who consumed ½-cup of wheat germ daily for 14 weeks saw their cholesterol levels drop by seven percent.

Although wheat has undeniable health benefits, we need to be aware of the dangers of its overuse. Eaten daily, whole wheat can be detrimental to the health as it causes bloating in many people and often encourages the growth of unfriendly (candida albicanus) bacteria in the colon. It can also encourage weight gain and cause allergic reactions in many people when overeaten.

It is revealing that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not indulge in regular wheat consumption, but ate instead mostly barley and bread made from barley flour. Abu Hazim narrated (in Sahih Bukhari) that he asked the Prophet (SAW), "Did you use to sift barley flour?" The Prophet answered, "No, but we used to blow off the husk (of the barley)."

Barley is so easily digested that the Prophet even recommended that barley soup (talbiyah) be used for all stomach ailments (Sahih Bukhari). Possessing even more health benefits than wheat, barley is extremely high in calcium and protein, and is far less allergenic. It does not encourage bloating or unhealthy bacterial growth; therefore, while wheat is healthful, barley is better for daily consumption.

One of the richest sources of tocotrienols, powerful antioxidants that help reduce damage to the body from dangerous oxygen molecules called free radicals, barley also reduces the body's production of cholesterol in the liver. David Jenkins, MD, professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto says, “Tocotrienols are potentially more powerful antioxidants than other chemical versions of vitamin E.” Barley is also a lot more affordable than most vitamin E supplements on the market. Furthermore, it contains lignana, found to prevent tiny blood clots from forming – perhaps providing a similar benefit to the recently popular “daily dose of aspirin” against heart disease. Just one-half cup of barley contains half the daily requirement for selenium in the diet and almost twenty-percent of the USRDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of Vitamin E. Both of these have been found to be powerful allies in the fight against cancer.

Barley also contains beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that forms a gel in the small intestine to which cholesterol binds and is then excreted from the body. This gel forming action also prevents constipation and colon cancer.

To get barley's healing benefits, it is recommended by health experts that it be eaten in the same way that the Prophet (SAW) did. Hulled barley (the husk loosely intact or “blown off”) is superior to processed barley which has been cleaned and scrubbed more than five times to create a quicker-cooking version that lacks most of barley's healthful fiber, minerals and thiamin.

Karima Burns, MH, ND has a Doctorate in Naturopathy and a Masters in Herbal Healing. She has studied natural healing for 12 years, published a natural healing newsletter for 4 years, and writes extensively on natural healing and herbs. Sister Karima became interested in natural healing after ending her personal lifelong struggle with asthma, allergies, chronic ear infections, depression, hypoglycemia, fatigue and panic attacks with herbs and natural therapies. 

The 7 "Super Foods" of the Bible

Trying to eat healthy? Start by opening your Bible to Deuteronomy 8:8, where the Israelites are promised "a good land…, a land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey." The ancients might not have known the word "antioxidant," but they were onto something with this list of bible foods. Explore this gallery to find out exactly how on-target they were with these "super foods."


Bible Food #1 - Wheat

This grain, which is found in everything from bread to pasta to cakes, is healthier when it is refined as little as possible. Whole-wheat products (those that are certified 100% whole wheat) contain 30 percent of your recommended daily fiber intake, as well as high levels of manganese and magnesium. A diet rich in whole grains is also thought to increase your energy level and lower your risk of type-2 diabetes, gallstones, and other health issues.


Bible Food #2 - Barley

Another whole grain, barley can be found in breads and cereals, as well as in hearty winter soups. High in fiber, barley is good for intestinal health and can lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of colon cancer and type-2 diabetes if eaten regularly. Barley also contains trace amounts of copper, which have been shown to help reduce the symptoms of arthritis.


Bible Food #3 - Grapes

Everyone knows that grape juice and red wine are tasty—but healthy? Grapes contain nutritional compounds called flavonoids, which are believed to reduce your risk of blood clots and protect your body from damage by the "free radicals" found in LDL, or "bad," cholesterol. Rich in antioxidants, grapes may provide protection against cardiovascular disease, particularly in women.


Bible Food #4 - Figs

These sweet fruits, eaten either dried or fresh, are high in potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure. They are also high in dietary fiber, which may help you lose weight, and they are a fruit source of calcium, which can help preserve bone density. Fig leaves, which are not typically eaten but can be made into an extract, are thought to help lower insulin levels in diabetics.


Bible Food #5 - Pomegranate

These strange-looking seed fruits are back in vogue as health-giving super-foods, particularly in juice form. The fruits are rich in antioxidants, which prevent LDL cholesterol from doing its damage, and it helps prevent blood clots by keeping blood platelets from clumping together. Pomegranates may also help reduce the risk of breast cancer and lessen the symptoms of arthritis.



Bible Food #6 - Olive Oil

Olives, and the extra-virgin oil that is made from a single pressing of the fruit, contain many of the antioxidants that are thought to protect against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol compounds. They also are high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are called "the healing fats" because they lower the effects of "bad" cholesterol while raising "good" cholesterol levels. High in vitamin E, olive oil also is thought to protect against colon cancer, and it is helpful in fighting gastritis and other stomach ailments.


Bible Food #7 - Honey

Raw honey, in addition to being a natural sweetener, is replete with antioxidants and is considered to be an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal substance. It is thought to have tumor-fighting properties, and may help prevent colon cancer. The daily consumption of a spoonful of honey is said to increase antioxidant levels in the blood, and is the healthiest sweetener for type-2 diabetics. Honey also may have wound-healing and muscle-regenerating properties.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

12 Foods of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), #1 Barley...

1. Barley:  Food in fever, used in a soup form.

2. Dates:  The Prophet said that a house without dates has no food. It should also be eaten at the time of childbirth.

3. Figs:  It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.

4. Grapes:  The Prophet was very fond of grapes – it purifies the blood, provides vigor and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.

5. Honey:  Considered the best remedy for diarrhea when mixed in hot water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used for creating appetite, strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm; as a meat preservative, hair conditioner, eye soother and mouthwash. It is extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water.

6. Melon:  The Prophet said: None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring that is good in countenance and good in character.

7. Milk:  The Prophet said that milk wipes away heat from the heart just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back, improves the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness.

8. Mushroom:  The Prophet said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes; it also serves as a form of birth control and arrests paralysis.

9. Olive Oil:  Excellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, and treats inflammation of the stomach.

10. Pomegranate:  The Prophet said it cleanses you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40 days.

11. Vinegar:  A food Prophet Muhammad used to eat with olive oil. [That’s now a fashion in elite Italian Restaurants]

12. Water:  The Prophet said the best drink in this world is water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver.

So durood and praise be upon our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad who provided us with marvelous knowledge 14 centuries ago, which still dazzles the wisest minds today. May this information be beneficial to all of us.

Ibn al-Qayyim: Barley Has Many Healing Properties

Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned in his Prophetic Medicine about the health benefits of the barley grain. He said that a broth of boiled barley in water was beneficial for a cough and sore throat, as well as cleansing the stomach and quenching thirst.

He gave the following recipe for this broth:

"Take a quantity of good, crushed barley, and five parts of pure water, put it all in a clean pot, cook it over a moderate fire until two fifths of it remain; then it is strained, and as much as is needed may be used with sweetener added."

He also described how a broth made from ground barley (talbina) had many healing properties, describing it as nutritious and filling, warming and soothing for the stomach, helping help to regain health and effective in maintaining bowel regularity.

What Is Barley?

Barley is a member of the grass family called Poaceae. There are many varieties of barley grown throughout the world and only a small amount is used for human consumption; it is one of the main grains fed to livestock. Barley kernels must first be polished or "pearled" to remove the inedible hull.

Barley is a good source of insoluble and soluble fiber. The soluble fiber portion contains the richest source of beta-glucans compared to any other grain; these can lower cholesterol and aid immune function. Barley also contains B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, and is one of the richest sources of chromium, which is important in maintaining blood glucose levels. Barley is also rich in antioxidants and contains a high concentration of tocols and tocotrienols, oils that help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Health benefits of Barley
  • Constipation and colon cancer
A study showed that rats fed with barley had increased bowel movement and in another study, rats with colon cancer were fed varying high-fiber diets, and the group fed barley showed significantly fewer tumors.
The beta-glucan fraction in barley, which is also found in oats and mushrooms, is associated with reducing the risk of heart disease.
A small study showed promise in regulating blood glucose and improving insulin production when the subjects' diet included barley.

Tips on Using Barley
  • Whole barley comes hulled, pearled, cracked, flaked and in flour forms. Barley malt, a natural sweetener made from the sprouted form of the grain, is available in liquid or powdered form.
  • Adding barley flour to food increases soluble fiber in your diet.
  • Add cooked barley to soups, stews and salads. Add hot water to cracked barley for a hot cereal.